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The developing nations can't succeed on their own. There are little, if any resources available, very few people or organizations to offer aid and almost everyone is need. These countries are desperate for a way out.
Here in the United States we have funds, resources and the ability to help. It benefits the world to lend a helping hand now so that these countries can progress into the future.
In Uganda and other developing nations people are simply trying to provide food and shelter to sustain themselves. Providing educational resources allows students to learn valuable skills, creating a stronger future for themselves and the world. 4 Oneworld's mission brings people one step closer to breaking the cycle of poverty.
As citizens of the world, please unite with us to help the less fortunate.
The developing nations can't succeed on their own. There are little, if any resources available, very few people or organizations to offer aid and almost everyone is need. These countries are desperate for a way out.
Here in the United States we have funds, resources and the ability to help. It benefits the world to lend a helping hand now so that these countries can progress into the future.
In Uganda and other developing nations people are simply trying to provide food and shelter to sustain themselves. Providing educational resources allows students to learn valuable skills, creating a stronger future for themselves and the world. 4 Oneworld's mission brings people one step closer to breaking the cycle of poverty.
As citizens of the world, please unite with us to help the less fortunate.
The developing nations can't succeed on their own. There are little, if any resources available, very few people or organizations to offer aid and almost everyone is need. These countries are desperate for a way out.
Here in the United States we have funds, resources and the ability to help. It benefits the world to lend a helping hand now so that these countries can progress into the future.
In Uganda and other developing nations people are simply trying to provide food and shelter to sustain themselves. Providing educational resources allows students to learn valuable skills, creating a stronger future for themselves and the world. 4 Oneworld's mission brings people one step closer to breaking the cycle of poverty.
As citizens of the world, please unite with us to help the less fortunate.