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July 2010 Newsletter
Kibooba Updates
The last few months have been a telling time for the Kibooba projects. The garden project is progressing. After a bountiful harvest in July the children have been consuming the maize. It is ground up and made into porridge to feed approximately 100 children.
There was a yield of 700 kilos with an expected rate of consumption between 8-10 kilos per day. This means one harvest will last an entire term! SUCCESS for 4 Oneworld and Kibooba!
The maize and, also, beans were planted in August for the next harvest. During the last week of September the dedicated ladies from the women’s group will be weeding the garden. Let us all hope for rain in upcoming months to ensure another decent harvest.
The poultry project recently came to an end. After months of close monitoring it was determined that the villagers were unable to properly manage the poultry. There are a number of contributing factors; these include the health of the chickens, excess egg loss, inadequate feed, employee issues and possible theft. Makerere University Professor, Dr. Connie Kyarisiima advised the chickens be sold as broilers once they had consumed the latest allotment of feed.
4 Oneworld is thankful for the learning experience with the poultry project. Director, Tara McKinney remarked, “It has opened our eyes to the way things work in Kibooba, and what 4 Oneworld needs to do to help future sustainability projects succeed in the village.”
4 Oneworld will be taking their time to decide on the next income generating project. With the support of the Makerere University Department of Agriculture and the hard work of the citizens of Kibooba , 4 Oneworld will continue its commitment to develop projects to support ongoing education for the children of Kibooba.
Thank you, Yoga Aid
Yoga Aid raises funds for disadvantaged communities throughout the world. The Yoga Challenge is a two hour intensive yoga practice of completing 108 sun salutations to raise money for designated non profit organizations. A sun salutation is a series of yoga postures preformed in a single graceful sequence. 4 Oneworld is thankful to be one of Yoga Aid’s charity recipients.
The USA Yoga Aid Challenge was held September 18th and 19th in cities throughout the United States and raised $90K for the Yoga Aid charities. 4 Oneworld is very grateful for the generosity of yogis who raised $7,000 for 4 Oneworld!
4 Oneworld President, Adam Stubbs said, “4 Oneworld is blessed to have the continued support of Yoga Aid and incredibly appreciative for their impact on 4 Oneworld projects. Thank you, Yoga Aid for making a difference in the world, and for being 4 Oneworld’s largest donor.”
July 2010 Newsletter
Kibooba Updates
The last few months have been a telling time for the Kibooba projects. The garden project is progressing. After a bountiful harvest in July the children have been consuming the maize. It is ground up and made into porridge to feed approximately 100 children.
There was a yield of 700 kilos with an expected rate of consumption between 8-10 kilos per day. This means one harvest will last an entire term! SUCCESS for 4 Oneworld and Kibooba!
The maize and, also, beans were planted in August for the next harvest. During the last week of September the dedicated ladies from the women’s group will be weeding the garden. Let us all hope for rain in upcoming months to ensure another decent harvest.
The poultry project recently came to an end. After months of close monitoring it was determined that the villagers were unable to properly manage the poultry. There are a number of contributing factors; these include the health of the chickens, excess egg loss, inadequate feed, employee issues and possible theft. Makerere University Professor, Dr. Connie Kyarisiima advised the chickens be sold as broilers once they had consumed the latest allotment of feed.
4 Oneworld is thankful for the learning experience with the poultry project. Director, Tara McKinney remarked, “It has opened our eyes to the way things work in Kibooba, and what 4 Oneworld needs to do to help future sustainability projects succeed in the village.”
4 Oneworld will be taking their time to decide on the next income generating project. With the support of the Makerere University Department of Agriculture and the hard work of the citizens of Kibooba , 4 Oneworld will continue its commitment to develop projects to support ongoing education for the children of Kibooba.
Thank you, Yoga Aid
Yoga Aid raises funds for disadvantaged communities throughout the world. The Yoga Challenge is a two hour intensive yoga practice of completing 108 sun salutations to raise money for designated non profit organizations. A sun salutation is a series of yoga postures preformed in a single graceful sequence. 4 Oneworld is thankful to be one of Yoga Aid’s charity recipients.
The USA Yoga Aid Challenge was held September 18th and 19th in cities throughout the United States and raised $90K for the Yoga Aid charities. 4 Oneworld is very grateful for the generosity of yogis who raised $7,000 for 4 Oneworld!
4 Oneworld President, Adam Stubbs said, “4 Oneworld is blessed to have the continued support of Yoga Aid and incredibly appreciative for their impact on 4 Oneworld projects. Thank you, Yoga Aid for making a difference in the world, and for being 4 Oneworld’s largest donor.”
July 2010 Newsletter
Kibooba Updates
The last few months have been a telling time for the Kibooba projects. The garden project is progressing. After a bountiful harvest in July the children have been consuming the maize. It is ground up and made into porridge to feed approximately 100 children.
There was a yield of 700 kilos with an expected rate of consumption between 8-10 kilos per day. This means one harvest will last an entire term! SUCCESS for 4 Oneworld and Kibooba!
The maize and, also, beans were planted in August for the next harvest. During the last week of September the dedicated ladies from the women’s group will be weeding the garden. Let us all hope for rain in upcoming months to ensure another decent harvest.
The poultry project recently came to an end. After months of close monitoring it was determined that the villagers were unable to properly manage the poultry. There are a number of contributing factors; these include the health of the chickens, excess egg loss, inadequate feed, employee issues and possible theft. Makerere University Professor, Dr. Connie Kyarisiima advised the chickens be sold as broilers once they had consumed the latest allotment of feed.
4 Oneworld is thankful for the learning experience with the poultry project. Director, Tara McKinney remarked, “It has opened our eyes to the way things work in Kibooba, and what 4 Oneworld needs to do to help future sustainability projects succeed in the village.”
4 Oneworld will be taking their time to decide on the next income generating project. With the support of the Makerere University Department of Agriculture and the hard work of the citizens of Kibooba , 4 Oneworld will continue its commitment to develop projects to support ongoing education for the children of Kibooba.
Thank you, Yoga Aid
Yoga Aid raises funds for disadvantaged communities throughout the world. The Yoga Challenge is a two hour intensive yoga practice of completing 108 sun salutations to raise money for designated non profit organizations. A sun salutation is a series of yoga postures preformed in a single graceful sequence. 4 Oneworld is thankful to be one of Yoga Aid’s charity recipients.
The USA Yoga Aid Challenge was held September 18th and 19th in cities throughout the United States and raised $90K for the Yoga Aid charities. 4 Oneworld is very grateful for the generosity of yogis who raised $7,000 for 4 Oneworld!
4 Oneworld President, Adam Stubbs said, “4 Oneworld is blessed to have the continued support of Yoga Aid and incredibly appreciative for their impact on 4 Oneworld projects. Thank you, Yoga Aid for making a difference in the world, and for being 4 Oneworld’s largest donor.”