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August 2009 Newsletter
Dear Global Citizen and Friend, Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for the upcoming 9/24/09 fundraiser. We hope to see each and every one of you attend with a friend! Please help 4 Oneworld spread the word and forward this email to everyone!
Scroll down to learn more details about exciting 4 Oneworld news.
  • Fundraiser Tickets on Sale NOW! Purchase yours @ www.4oneworld.org
  • Local Band, Funktion generously donates to 4 Oneworld-CD Release Party this Saturday, 8/22
  • A message from 4 Oneworld President about St. Kizito's achievements
  • Become a Fan-Check out 4 Oneworld on Facebook

Purchase Your Live Music Fundraiser
Ticket Today!

4 Oneworld will be holding a live music fundraiser with local rock band, Drop 35 on Thursday, September 24, 2009 to raise funds for the Kibooba Primary School Project.

Drop 35 is generously donating the entertainment for the event, local restaurants will be providing delicious hors d’oeuvres and there will be a cash bar. The silent auction with local and African artwork is not to be missed!

A $20 ticket will enter attendees into a raffle to win a one-week stay in a Mexican villa (airfare not included)! Visit http://www.mxvillarentals.com/ to see the incredible villa where you could be spending your vacation!

Please, help 4 Oneworld make a difference for disadvantaged children and purchase your ticket at www.4oneworld.org or at Terrapin Worldwide Imports, located at 237 South Kalamazoo Mall in downtown Kalamazoo.

Thank you Jeffrey Neal of Terrapin for being 4 Oneworld!




Local Band Partners With 4 Oneworld To Help The Children Of Kibooba
Funktion, the 7-man funk and soul band based in Kalamazoo, MI, has partnered with 4 Oneworld to help provide educational aid to children in Kibooba, Uganda.

Funktion’s musical talent and high-energy performances have created quite the following in Kalamazoo and beyond. The band recently released their first CD, Funk Prelude, and has generously chosen to donate $1 from each CD sold to
4 Oneworld!

The Kibooba Primary School is in desperate need of help. There hasn’t been enough money to pay the teachers. The structure still needs completing and securing, and there are not enough desks, chairs, textbooks or learning tools. Despite the challenges, the school manages to provide a daily lunch. For the majority of the children this is the only meal they receive for the day.

This rural Ugandan village has suffered through developing world struggles such as war, AIDS and poverty. Resources are limited, local assistance is virtually non-existent and there are 90 orphans.

4 Oneworld is touched by the kindness of the members of Funktion and thankful to have this partnership. Local people
joining together are the only way to make a difference in the world. 

Come and get funky with Funktion and support education in Africa at the Kalamazoo CD Release Party beginning at 10 p.m. on Saturday, August 22, 2009 at Papa Pete’s – 502 South Burdick Street, downtown Kalamazoo.



4 Oneworld Project "Ranked First" In PanAfrican Study

a message from Adam Stubbs, President of 4 Oneworld

The St. Kizito Secondary School (SS) Computer Literacy Program was the first major project of 4 Oneworld beginning in 2005. Through the generous contributions of 4 Oneworld donors, we have provided a $70,000 USD / 5 year-program that includes providing the entire computer lab, internet access and instructor’s salary.

Recently, the PanAfrican Research Agenda on the Pedagogical Integration of ICTs (Information Computer Technology), in partnership with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), conducted a research study of various ICT programs in twelve African countries, with St. Kizito SS being chosen as one of the Ugandan case-studies.  The 2007-2009 study aims at creating a better understanding of how the educational integration of ICTs can enhance the quality of teaching and learning in Africa.

In terms of ICT use by educators and learners, the study concluded:

“St. Kizito SS educators used more ICT for academic purposes and [therefore] ranked first of all the institutions

In the Ugandan section of the report, under the Gender portion of the assessment, St. Kizito was recognized as an:

"…exceptional case where an equal number of male and female educators received training." 

As far as facilities and infrastructure, the study stated:

"St. Kizito SS were doing all they could to improve the available facilities and acquire more as such requirements were stated in the Syllabus set by the NCDC…some of the possible reasons why St. Kizito SS educators are leading the others could probably be that they have ready access to computers connected to internet in their staff room, the school managers are keen to ensure that all teachers are computer literate as they utilize holidays to equip them with ICT skills and the school ICT technician is well-trained and keen on his job."

4 Oneworld is pleased to be the organization that has helped make the ICT program at St. Kizito possible, and we are proud that the ICT program has received this recognition. Thanks to support of donors and volunteers like you,     4 Oneworld will continue to educate, inspire and empower deserving children in Africa.

Become a Fan of 4 Oneworld on Facebook

4 Oneworld is pleased to announce their Facebook debut! Devoted volunteer, Emily Haines found the time to create the page.
Learn about upcoming events and the latest updates on the Kibooba project through Facebook.
Thank you, Emily!

Visit www.facebook.com,  search for “4 Oneworld” and become a fan today!


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.





Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead

Educate. Inspire. Empower.

w w w . 4 o n e w o r l d . o r g


August 2009 Newsletter
Dear Global Citizen and Friend, Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for the upcoming 9/24/09 fundraiser. We hope to see each and every one of you attend with a friend! Please help 4 Oneworld spread the word and forward this email to everyone!
Scroll down to learn more details about exciting 4 Oneworld news.
  • Fundraiser Tickets on Sale NOW! Purchase yours @ www.4oneworld.org
  • Local Band, Funktion generously donates to 4 Oneworld-CD Release Party this Saturday, 8/22
  • A message from 4 Oneworld President about St. Kizito's achievements
  • Become a Fan-Check out 4 Oneworld on Facebook

Purchase Your Live Music Fundraiser
Ticket Today!

4 Oneworld will be holding a live music fundraiser with local rock band, Drop 35 on Thursday, September 24, 2009 to raise funds for the Kibooba Primary School Project.

Drop 35 is generously donating the entertainment for the event, local restaurants will be providing delicious hors d’oeuvres and there will be a cash bar. The silent auction with local and African artwork is not to be missed!

A $20 ticket will enter attendees into a raffle to win a one-week stay in a Mexican villa (airfare not included)! Visit http://www.mxvillarentals.com/ to see the incredible villa where you could be spending your vacation!

Please, help 4 Oneworld make a difference for disadvantaged children and purchase your ticket at www.4oneworld.org or at Terrapin Worldwide Imports, located at 237 South Kalamazoo Mall in downtown Kalamazoo.

Thank you Jeffrey Neal of Terrapin for being 4 Oneworld!




Local Band Partners With 4 Oneworld To Help The Children Of Kibooba
Funktion, the 7-man funk and soul band based in Kalamazoo, MI, has partnered with 4 Oneworld to help provide educational aid to children in Kibooba, Uganda.

Funktion’s musical talent and high-energy performances have created quite the following in Kalamazoo and beyond. The band recently released their first CD, Funk Prelude, and has generously chosen to donate $1 from each CD sold to
4 Oneworld!

The Kibooba Primary School is in desperate need of help. There hasn’t been enough money to pay the teachers. The structure still needs completing and securing, and there are not enough desks, chairs, textbooks or learning tools. Despite the challenges, the school manages to provide a daily lunch. For the majority of the children this is the only meal they receive for the day.

This rural Ugandan village has suffered through developing world struggles such as war, AIDS and poverty. Resources are limited, local assistance is virtually non-existent and there are 90 orphans.

4 Oneworld is touched by the kindness of the members of Funktion and thankful to have this partnership. Local people
joining together are the only way to make a difference in the world. 

Come and get funky with Funktion and support education in Africa at the Kalamazoo CD Release Party beginning at 10 p.m. on Saturday, August 22, 2009 at Papa Pete’s – 502 South Burdick Street, downtown Kalamazoo.



4 Oneworld Project "Ranked First" In PanAfrican Study

a message from Adam Stubbs, President of 4 Oneworld

The St. Kizito Secondary School (SS) Computer Literacy Program was the first major project of 4 Oneworld beginning in 2005. Through the generous contributions of 4 Oneworld donors, we have provided a $70,000 USD / 5 year-program that includes providing the entire computer lab, internet access and instructor’s salary.

Recently, the PanAfrican Research Agenda on the Pedagogical Integration of ICTs (Information Computer Technology), in partnership with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), conducted a research study of various ICT programs in twelve African countries, with St. Kizito SS being chosen as one of the Ugandan case-studies.  The 2007-2009 study aims at creating a better understanding of how the educational integration of ICTs can enhance the quality of teaching and learning in Africa.

In terms of ICT use by educators and learners, the study concluded:

“St. Kizito SS educators used more ICT for academic purposes and [therefore] ranked first of all the institutions

In the Ugandan section of the report, under the Gender portion of the assessment, St. Kizito was recognized as an:

"…exceptional case where an equal number of male and female educators received training." 

As far as facilities and infrastructure, the study stated:

"St. Kizito SS were doing all they could to improve the available facilities and acquire more as such requirements were stated in the Syllabus set by the NCDC…some of the possible reasons why St. Kizito SS educators are leading the others could probably be that they have ready access to computers connected to internet in their staff room, the school managers are keen to ensure that all teachers are computer literate as they utilize holidays to equip them with ICT skills and the school ICT technician is well-trained and keen on his job."

4 Oneworld is pleased to be the organization that has helped make the ICT program at St. Kizito possible, and we are proud that the ICT program has received this recognition. Thanks to support of donors and volunteers like you,     4 Oneworld will continue to educate, inspire and empower deserving children in Africa.

Become a Fan of 4 Oneworld on Facebook

4 Oneworld is pleased to announce their Facebook debut! Devoted volunteer, Emily Haines found the time to create the page.
Learn about upcoming events and the latest updates on the Kibooba project through Facebook.
Thank you, Emily!

Visit www.facebook.com,  search for “4 Oneworld” and become a fan today!


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.





Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead

Educate. Inspire. Empower.

w w w . 4 o n e w o r l d . o r g


August 2009 Newsletter
Dear Global Citizen and Friend, Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for the upcoming 9/24/09 fundraiser. We hope to see each and every one of you attend with a friend! Please help 4 Oneworld spread the word and forward this email to everyone!
Scroll down to learn more details about exciting 4 Oneworld news.
  • Fundraiser Tickets on Sale NOW! Purchase yours @ www.4oneworld.org
  • Local Band, Funktion generously donates to 4 Oneworld-CD Release Party this Saturday, 8/22
  • A message from 4 Oneworld President about St. Kizito's achievements
  • Become a Fan-Check out 4 Oneworld on Facebook

Purchase Your Live Music Fundraiser
Ticket Today!

4 Oneworld will be holding a live music fundraiser with local rock band, Drop 35 on Thursday, September 24, 2009 to raise funds for the Kibooba Primary School Project.

Drop 35 is generously donating the entertainment for the event, local restaurants will be providing delicious hors d’oeuvres and there will be a cash bar. The silent auction with local and African artwork is not to be missed!

A $20 ticket will enter attendees into a raffle to win a one-week stay in a Mexican villa (airfare not included)! Visit http://www.mxvillarentals.com/ to see the incredible villa where you could be spending your vacation!

Please, help 4 Oneworld make a difference for disadvantaged children and purchase your ticket at www.4oneworld.org or at Terrapin Worldwide Imports, located at 237 South Kalamazoo Mall in downtown Kalamazoo.

Thank you Jeffrey Neal of Terrapin for being 4 Oneworld!




Local Band Partners With 4 Oneworld To Help The Children Of Kibooba
Funktion, the 7-man funk and soul band based in Kalamazoo, MI, has partnered with 4 Oneworld to help provide educational aid to children in Kibooba, Uganda.

Funktion’s musical talent and high-energy performances have created quite the following in Kalamazoo and beyond. The band recently released their first CD, Funk Prelude, and has generously chosen to donate $1 from each CD sold to
4 Oneworld!

The Kibooba Primary School is in desperate need of help. There hasn’t been enough money to pay the teachers. The structure still needs completing and securing, and there are not enough desks, chairs, textbooks or learning tools. Despite the challenges, the school manages to provide a daily lunch. For the majority of the children this is the only meal they receive for the day.

This rural Ugandan village has suffered through developing world struggles such as war, AIDS and poverty. Resources are limited, local assistance is virtually non-existent and there are 90 orphans.

4 Oneworld is touched by the kindness of the members of Funktion and thankful to have this partnership. Local people
joining together are the only way to make a difference in the world. 

Come and get funky with Funktion and support education in Africa at the Kalamazoo CD Release Party beginning at 10 p.m. on Saturday, August 22, 2009 at Papa Pete’s – 502 South Burdick Street, downtown Kalamazoo.



4 Oneworld Project "Ranked First" In PanAfrican Study

a message from Adam Stubbs, President of 4 Oneworld

The St. Kizito Secondary School (SS) Computer Literacy Program was the first major project of 4 Oneworld beginning in 2005. Through the generous contributions of 4 Oneworld donors, we have provided a $70,000 USD / 5 year-program that includes providing the entire computer lab, internet access and instructor’s salary.

Recently, the PanAfrican Research Agenda on the Pedagogical Integration of ICTs (Information Computer Technology), in partnership with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), conducted a research study of various ICT programs in twelve African countries, with St. Kizito SS being chosen as one of the Ugandan case-studies.  The 2007-2009 study aims at creating a better understanding of how the educational integration of ICTs can enhance the quality of teaching and learning in Africa.

In terms of ICT use by educators and learners, the study concluded:

“St. Kizito SS educators used more ICT for academic purposes and [therefore] ranked first of all the institutions

In the Ugandan section of the report, under the Gender portion of the assessment, St. Kizito was recognized as an:

"…exceptional case where an equal number of male and female educators received training." 

As far as facilities and infrastructure, the study stated:

"St. Kizito SS were doing all they could to improve the available facilities and acquire more as such requirements were stated in the Syllabus set by the NCDC…some of the possible reasons why St. Kizito SS educators are leading the others could probably be that they have ready access to computers connected to internet in their staff room, the school managers are keen to ensure that all teachers are computer literate as they utilize holidays to equip them with ICT skills and the school ICT technician is well-trained and keen on his job."

4 Oneworld is pleased to be the organization that has helped make the ICT program at St. Kizito possible, and we are proud that the ICT program has received this recognition. Thanks to support of donors and volunteers like you,     4 Oneworld will continue to educate, inspire and empower deserving children in Africa.

Become a Fan of 4 Oneworld on Facebook

4 Oneworld is pleased to announce their Facebook debut! Devoted volunteer, Emily Haines found the time to create the page.
Learn about upcoming events and the latest updates on the Kibooba project through Facebook.
Thank you, Emily!

Visit www.facebook.com,  search for “4 Oneworld” and become a fan today!


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.





Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead

Educate. Inspire. Empower.

w w w . 4 o n e w o r l d . o r g