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4 Oneworld Education Committee
Co-Chairs: Mimi Nevala and Melissa Montague
Members: Shannon Wood, Christa Stearns and Adam Stubbs
Our mission is to educate local students about the challenges facing many young Africans in their daily lives. The goal is to create and sustain communication between Kalamazoo area students and St. Kizito computer students by giving informational presentations to the students and encouraging them to develop pen- pal relationships.
2006 Loy Norrix High School Partnership Project
August 2006:
- 4 Oneworld contacted Tisha Pankop, the journalism and English teacher at Loy Norrix High School
- Ms. Pankop was searching for a topic for the February issue of the student newspaper, Knight Life, and became interested in the 4 Oneworld Partnership Project.
September 2006:
- Enthusiastic Loy Norrix students agreed to choose Uganda, St. Kizito and 4 Oneworld as the focus for their February issue of Knight Life.
- Cameras and letters were sent to St. Kizito to begin the communication project.
- Members of the 4 Oneworld Education Committee gave a presentation to Loy Norrix students to educate them about 4oneworld, St. Kizito and Uganda and the Partnership Project.
- Loy Norrix students received letters and photos from St. Kizito. The pen-pal relationship had begun.
- 70 Loy Norrix students watched Invisible Children, a documentary about the horrific lives of child soldiers forced to fight in the civil war being waged in Northern Uganda.
Results of 4 Oneworld's Partnership Project with Loy Norrix to date:
- The school Key Club made and sold pins decorated with the colors of the Ugandan flag, to donate funds to 4 Oneworld.
- The Peace Jam group raised fund for 4 Oneworld by holding a bake sale.
- Senior, Jessica Carey-Webb, made a donation to 4Oneworld in lieu of receiving Christmas presents.
- Loy Norrix students are eagerly awaiting letters from their pen-pals. With internet expected at St. Kizito in spring 2007, the correspondence will increase.
Encouraged by the partnership with Loy Norrix, the education committee will continue to involve local students in 4 Oneworld projects.
Mimi Nevala
"It is through personal involvement and intention that we can each make a change to affect lives and the direction those lives take, and to perhaps change futures destined otherwise to be tragic."
Melissa Montague
"I want to encourage others to be less judgmental and more accepting of differences; and to break down stereotypes, through spreading kindness and love. I want to empower others to become involved in grass roots movements and to realize that they can make a difference. Making contact with those whose basic needs are not being met or are living in discriminatory environments yet still have the character and resilience to find happiness within, has been life-changing for me. To me, the best feeling in the world is to realize that you are making a positive change in our world."
";}s:11:"foreignName";s:11:"blockrecord";s:3:"bID";s:2:"52";s:7:"content";s:4009:"4 Oneworld Education Committee
Co-Chairs: Mimi Nevala and Melissa Montague
Members: Shannon Wood, Christa Stearns and Adam Stubbs
Our mission is to educate local students about the challenges facing many young Africans in their daily lives. The goal is to create and sustain communication between Kalamazoo area students and St. Kizito computer students by giving informational presentations to the students and encouraging them to develop pen- pal relationships.
2006 Loy Norrix High School Partnership Project
August 2006:
- 4 Oneworld contacted Tisha Pankop, the journalism and English teacher at Loy Norrix High School
- Ms. Pankop was searching for a topic for the February issue of the student newspaper, Knight Life, and became interested in the 4 Oneworld Partnership Project.
September 2006:
- Enthusiastic Loy Norrix students agreed to choose Uganda, St. Kizito and 4 Oneworld as the focus for their February issue of Knight Life.
- Cameras and letters were sent to St. Kizito to begin the communication project.
- Members of the 4 Oneworld Education Committee gave a presentation to Loy Norrix students to educate them about 4oneworld, St. Kizito and Uganda and the Partnership Project.
- Loy Norrix students received letters and photos from St. Kizito. The pen-pal relationship had begun.
- 70 Loy Norrix students watched Invisible Children, a documentary about the horrific lives of child soldiers forced to fight in the civil war being waged in Northern Uganda.
Results of 4 Oneworld's Partnership Project with Loy Norrix to date:
- The school Key Club made and sold pins decorated with the colors of the Ugandan flag, to donate funds to 4 Oneworld.
- The Peace Jam group raised fund for 4 Oneworld by holding a bake sale.
- Senior, Jessica Carey-Webb, made a donation to 4Oneworld in lieu of receiving Christmas presents.
- Loy Norrix students are eagerly awaiting letters from their pen-pals. With internet expected at St. Kizito in spring 2007, the correspondence will increase.
Encouraged by the partnership with Loy Norrix, the education committee will continue to involve local students in 4 Oneworld projects.
Mimi Nevala
"It is through personal involvement and intention that we can each make a change to affect lives and the direction those lives take, and to perhaps change futures destined otherwise to be tragic."
Melissa Montague
"I want to encourage others to be less judgmental and more accepting of differences; and to break down stereotypes, through spreading kindness and love. I want to empower others to become involved in grass roots movements and to realize that they can make a difference. Making contact with those whose basic needs are not being met or are living in discriminatory environments yet still have the character and resilience to find happiness within, has been life-changing for me. To me, the best feeling in the world is to realize that you are making a positive change in our world."
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Co-Chairs: Mimi Nevala and Melissa Montague
Members: Shannon Wood, Christa Stearns and Adam Stubbs
Our mission is to educate local students about the challenges facing many young Africans in their daily lives. The goal is to create and sustain communication between Kalamazoo area students and St. Kizito computer students by giving informational presentations to the students and encouraging them to develop pen- pal relationships.
2006 Loy Norrix High School Partnership Project
August 2006:
- 4 Oneworld contacted Tisha Pankop, the journalism and English teacher at Loy Norrix High School
- Ms. Pankop was searching for a topic for the February issue of the student newspaper, Knight Life, and became interested in the 4 Oneworld Partnership Project.
September 2006:
- Enthusiastic Loy Norrix students agreed to choose Uganda, St. Kizito and 4 Oneworld as the focus for their February issue of Knight Life.
- Cameras and letters were sent to St. Kizito to begin the communication project.
- Members of the 4 Oneworld Education Committee gave a presentation to Loy Norrix students to educate them about 4oneworld, St. Kizito and Uganda and the Partnership Project.
- Loy Norrix students received letters and photos from St. Kizito. The pen-pal relationship had begun.
- 70 Loy Norrix students watched Invisible Children, a documentary about the horrific lives of child soldiers forced to fight in the civil war being waged in Northern Uganda.
Results of 4 Oneworld's Partnership Project with Loy Norrix to date:
- The school Key Club made and sold pins decorated with the colors of the Ugandan flag, to donate funds to 4 Oneworld.
- The Peace Jam group raised fund for 4 Oneworld by holding a bake sale.
- Senior, Jessica Carey-Webb, made a donation to 4Oneworld in lieu of receiving Christmas presents.
- Loy Norrix students are eagerly awaiting letters from their pen-pals. With internet expected at St. Kizito in spring 2007, the correspondence will increase.
Encouraged by the partnership with Loy Norrix, the education committee will continue to involve local students in 4 Oneworld projects.
Mimi Nevala
"It is through personal involvement and intention that we can each make a change to affect lives and the direction those lives take, and to perhaps change futures destined otherwise to be tragic."
Melissa Montague
"I want to encourage others to be less judgmental and more accepting of differences; and to break down stereotypes, through spreading kindness and love. I want to empower others to become involved in grass roots movements and to realize that they can make a difference. Making contact with those whose basic needs are not being met or are living in discriminatory environments yet still have the character and resilience to find happiness within, has been life-changing for me. To me, the best feeling in the world is to realize that you are making a positive change in our world."