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April 2010 Newsletter
Dear Global Citizen and Friend, The April newsletter is a little late, but better late, than never! Scroll down to learn about the latest progress in Kibooba.Clean drinking water for Kibooba students
Friends of Kibooba (FOK) has brought clean drinking water to the children of Kibooba! FOK contracted the US based non-profit organization, Wine to Water, for the purchase and installation of three bio sand filters.
4 Oneworld volunteers, Matt Downing and Jacob Asperger coordinated the delivery and installation of the filters; they also participated in the necessary staff training and follow up.
Thank you to FOK, Matt and Jacob for making a difference!
Visit www.winetowater.org to learn more.
Hand-washing Stations
In March, as part of the health and sanitation initiative, FOK provided the school with two hand washing stations.
4 Oneworld volunteers, Moira Macleod and MaryAnn Kudary not only taught the students how to wash their hands using the new hand washing stations and soap, but also demonstrated how germs are spread and how hand washing can prevent this. It was both educational and fun for the children.
Thank you to FOK, Moira and MaryAnn for making a difference!
Garden Status Update: April
• Week One: The corn and beans began to germinate shortly after planting
• Week Three: The volunteers gathered to weed the garden
• Week Three: The shed was constructed to store the garden tools and supplies
• Week Four: Rain, rain and more rain
Thank you, Mandy by Tara McKinney
Mandy May Howard is a friend of mine. When she learned about 4 Oneworld and my trip to Uganda she wanted to help. She reached into her purse and pulled out $35, all the cash she had on her. I told her I would be sure to put the funds to good use.
In Kibooba the list of needs is endless. Some of the requests are more urgent than others. Steven, the head teacher, mentioned numerous times that the blackboards needed resurfacing. Their poor condition was making it very difficult for the children to read what the teachers were writing. It turned out that the cost of resurfacing the blackboards was $35! Mandy’s donation was meant for the blackboards!
Thank you, Mandy for improving the learning conditions for the students of Kibooba!.
It was a truly moving experience to see first hand all that 4Oneworld is doing to educate, empower and inspire the students of St.Kizito Secondary School and Kibooba Village Primary School.
April 2010 Newsletter
Dear Global Citizen and Friend, The April newsletter is a little late, but better late, than never! Scroll down to learn about the latest progress in Kibooba.Clean drinking water for Kibooba students
Friends of Kibooba (FOK) has brought clean drinking water to the children of Kibooba! FOK contracted the US based non-profit organization, Wine to Water, for the purchase and installation of three bio sand filters.
4 Oneworld volunteers, Matt Downing and Jacob Asperger coordinated the delivery and installation of the filters; they also participated in the necessary staff training and follow up.
Thank you to FOK, Matt and Jacob for making a difference!
Visit www.winetowater.org to learn more.
Hand-washing Stations
In March, as part of the health and sanitation initiative, FOK provided the school with two hand washing stations.
4 Oneworld volunteers, Moira Macleod and MaryAnn Kudary not only taught the students how to wash their hands using the new hand washing stations and soap, but also demonstrated how germs are spread and how hand washing can prevent this. It was both educational and fun for the children.
Thank you to FOK, Moira and MaryAnn for making a difference!
Garden Status Update: April
• Week One: The corn and beans began to germinate shortly after planting
• Week Three: The volunteers gathered to weed the garden
• Week Three: The shed was constructed to store the garden tools and supplies
• Week Four: Rain, rain and more rain
Thank you, Mandy by Tara McKinney
Mandy May Howard is a friend of mine. When she learned about 4 Oneworld and my trip to Uganda she wanted to help. She reached into her purse and pulled out $35, all the cash she had on her. I told her I would be sure to put the funds to good use.
In Kibooba the list of needs is endless. Some of the requests are more urgent than others. Steven, the head teacher, mentioned numerous times that the blackboards needed resurfacing. Their poor condition was making it very difficult for the children to read what the teachers were writing. It turned out that the cost of resurfacing the blackboards was $35! Mandy’s donation was meant for the blackboards!
Thank you, Mandy for improving the learning conditions for the students of Kibooba!.
It was a truly moving experience to see first hand all that 4Oneworld is doing to educate, empower and inspire the students of St.Kizito Secondary School and Kibooba Village Primary School.
April 2010 Newsletter
Dear Global Citizen and Friend, The April newsletter is a little late, but better late, than never! Scroll down to learn about the latest progress in Kibooba.Clean drinking water for Kibooba students
Friends of Kibooba (FOK) has brought clean drinking water to the children of Kibooba! FOK contracted the US based non-profit organization, Wine to Water, for the purchase and installation of three bio sand filters.
4 Oneworld volunteers, Matt Downing and Jacob Asperger coordinated the delivery and installation of the filters; they also participated in the necessary staff training and follow up.
Thank you to FOK, Matt and Jacob for making a difference!
Visit www.winetowater.org to learn more.
Hand-washing Stations
In March, as part of the health and sanitation initiative, FOK provided the school with two hand washing stations.
4 Oneworld volunteers, Moira Macleod and MaryAnn Kudary not only taught the students how to wash their hands using the new hand washing stations and soap, but also demonstrated how germs are spread and how hand washing can prevent this. It was both educational and fun for the children.
Thank you to FOK, Moira and MaryAnn for making a difference!
Garden Status Update: April
• Week One: The corn and beans began to germinate shortly after planting
• Week Three: The volunteers gathered to weed the garden
• Week Three: The shed was constructed to store the garden tools and supplies
• Week Four: Rain, rain and more rain
Thank you, Mandy by Tara McKinney
Mandy May Howard is a friend of mine. When she learned about 4 Oneworld and my trip to Uganda she wanted to help. She reached into her purse and pulled out $35, all the cash she had on her. I told her I would be sure to put the funds to good use.
In Kibooba the list of needs is endless. Some of the requests are more urgent than others. Steven, the head teacher, mentioned numerous times that the blackboards needed resurfacing. Their poor condition was making it very difficult for the children to read what the teachers were writing. It turned out that the cost of resurfacing the blackboards was $35! Mandy’s donation was meant for the blackboards!
Thank you, Mandy for improving the learning conditions for the students of Kibooba!.
It was a truly moving experience to see first hand all that 4Oneworld is doing to educate, empower and inspire the students of St.Kizito Secondary School and Kibooba Village Primary School.