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4 Oneworld was formed out of basic need.
We became aware of the situation at the St. Kizito School and were asked to help. We formed 4 oneworld with a mission to provide educational resources to schools in the developing world and computer literacy at St. Kizito School in Uganda, East Africa is our first project. Meet the board of the directors... Here are our thoughts on why we need to help.
Tara McKinney, Executive Director
As citizens of the world we need to unite. Throughout Africa children are victims of poverty, disease and war. They can't win this battle alone. I would feel shame if I left this earth without utilizing the opportunity and resources in the United States to lend a helping hand to the less fortunate.

Education is the only way out for children in the developing world. Please help us empower young people and provide them with the educational tools they deserve. Together, we can change the world.
Adam Stubbs, President
At this point in history humanity can accomplish its greatest goal: ending poverty and its ill effects for the entire world.

The developing world has the greatest need, and the developed world, where many live prosperously, has the resources. We must share these resources and advantages, as well as help educate those who need it most. We can meet our greatest accomplishment, together!
Mimi Nevala, Vice President
Mimi Nevala is a retired foreign language teacher. She brings to the board a strong background in education and community involvement.

"'Be the change you wish to see in the world' is a quote that so aptly expresses what serving on this Board offers me the chance to do. To be afforded the opportunity to go beyond conversation and shoulder shrugging and instead offer children hope through attention, education and persistence is a gift indeed. It is through our own personal involvement and intention that we can make a change... to affect lives and the directions those lives take, and so to perhaps change futures destined otherwise to be tragic... that is the change I want to see happen.

Children are the future and Africa needs her children and her future."
Andrew Bruex, Treasurer
Andrew Bruex has a background in business as the founder of Industrial Logic Controls, a factory automation distributor, and as the owner of Universal Formulas, a nutritional supplement company. He also served on the board of The World Tree, a multicultural educational nonprofit organization.

"Education is a gift like no other gift. The energy and other resources directed towards eliminating poverty through education provides the highest degree of return by truly empowering the individual. Besides, it feels purposeful and right. It brings forth smiles and a higher standard of living to all involved, those giving as well as those receiving."
Shannon McMorrow

Shannon McMorrow has worked in community health education in the United States, Belize and East Africa for the past 12 years. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Enhancement and a Masters’ degree in Public Health in Community Health Education; she is currently working toward her Doctorate in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences with a focus on international health. Shannon served as a Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) volunteer in Uganda for 3 years and has extensive first-hand experience of the complex challenges in developing countries. She is committed to working on holistic approaches to promote education, gender equality and health. Shannon looks forward to sharing her passion, energy and skills with 4oneworld.


Liz Semaan
Liz Photo.jpg
Liz Semaan currently works for Bronson Methodist Hospital in the Education Department. She has a Bachelors degree in Interpersonal Communication and Sociology from Western Michigan University. She is currently working on her Master’s degree in Public Administration with a concentration in Nonprofit Leadership. Liz has been committed to volunteering with 4oneworld as the fundraiser coordinator since 2007.
4 Oneworld was formed out of basic need.
We became aware of the situation at the St. Kizito School and were asked to help. We formed 4 oneworld with a mission to provide educational resources to schools in the developing world and computer literacy at St. Kizito School in Uganda, East Africa is our first project. Meet the board of the directors... Here are our thoughts on why we need to help.
Tara McKinney, Executive Director
As citizens of the world we need to unite. Throughout Africa children are victims of poverty, disease and war. They can't win this battle alone. I would feel shame if I left this earth without utilizing the opportunity and resources in the United States to lend a helping hand to the less fortunate.

Education is the only way out for children in the developing world. Please help us empower young people and provide them with the educational tools they deserve. Together, we can change the world.
Adam Stubbs, President
At this point in history humanity can accomplish its greatest goal: ending poverty and its ill effects for the entire world.

The developing world has the greatest need, and the developed world, where many live prosperously, has the resources. We must share these resources and advantages, as well as help educate those who need it most. We can meet our greatest accomplishment, together!
Mimi Nevala, Vice President
Mimi Nevala is a retired foreign language teacher. She brings to the board a strong background in education and community involvement.

"'Be the change you wish to see in the world' is a quote that so aptly expresses what serving on this Board offers me the chance to do. To be afforded the opportunity to go beyond conversation and shoulder shrugging and instead offer children hope through attention, education and persistence is a gift indeed. It is through our own personal involvement and intention that we can make a change... to affect lives and the directions those lives take, and so to perhaps change futures destined otherwise to be tragic... that is the change I want to see happen.

Children are the future and Africa needs her children and her future."
Andrew Bruex, Treasurer
Andrew Bruex has a background in business as the founder of Industrial Logic Controls, a factory automation distributor, and as the owner of Universal Formulas, a nutritional supplement company. He also served on the board of The World Tree, a multicultural educational nonprofit organization.

"Education is a gift like no other gift. The energy and other resources directed towards eliminating poverty through education provides the highest degree of return by truly empowering the individual. Besides, it feels purposeful and right. It brings forth smiles and a higher standard of living to all involved, those giving as well as those receiving."
Shannon McMorrow

Shannon McMorrow has worked in community health education in the United States, Belize and East Africa for the past 12 years. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Enhancement and a Masters’ degree in Public Health in Community Health Education; she is currently working toward her Doctorate in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences with a focus on international health. Shannon served as a Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) volunteer in Uganda for 3 years and has extensive first-hand experience of the complex challenges in developing countries. She is committed to working on holistic approaches to promote education, gender equality and health. Shannon looks forward to sharing her passion, energy and skills with 4oneworld.


Liz Semaan
Liz Photo.jpg
Liz Semaan currently works for Bronson Methodist Hospital in the Education Department. She has a Bachelors degree in Interpersonal Communication and Sociology from Western Michigan University. She is currently working on her Master’s degree in Public Administration with a concentration in Nonprofit Leadership. Liz has been committed to volunteering with 4oneworld as the fundraiser coordinator since 2007.
4 Oneworld was formed out of basic need.
We became aware of the situation at the St. Kizito School and were asked to help. We formed 4 oneworld with a mission to provide educational resources to schools in the developing world and computer literacy at St. Kizito School in Uganda, East Africa is our first project. Meet the board of the directors... Here are our thoughts on why we need to help.
Tara McKinney, Executive Director
As citizens of the world we need to unite. Throughout Africa children are victims of poverty, disease and war. They can't win this battle alone. I would feel shame if I left this earth without utilizing the opportunity and resources in the United States to lend a helping hand to the less fortunate.

Education is the only way out for children in the developing world. Please help us empower young people and provide them with the educational tools they deserve. Together, we can change the world.
Adam Stubbs, President
At this point in history humanity can accomplish its greatest goal: ending poverty and its ill effects for the entire world.

The developing world has the greatest need, and the developed world, where many live prosperously, has the resources. We must share these resources and advantages, as well as help educate those who need it most. We can meet our greatest accomplishment, together!
Mimi Nevala, Vice President
Mimi Nevala is a retired foreign language teacher. She brings to the board a strong background in education and community involvement.

"'Be the change you wish to see in the world' is a quote that so aptly expresses what serving on this Board offers me the chance to do. To be afforded the opportunity to go beyond conversation and shoulder shrugging and instead offer children hope through attention, education and persistence is a gift indeed. It is through our own personal involvement and intention that we can make a change... to affect lives and the directions those lives take, and so to perhaps change futures destined otherwise to be tragic... that is the change I want to see happen.

Children are the future and Africa needs her children and her future."
Andrew Bruex, Treasurer
Andrew Bruex has a background in business as the founder of Industrial Logic Controls, a factory automation distributor, and as the owner of Universal Formulas, a nutritional supplement company. He also served on the board of The World Tree, a multicultural educational nonprofit organization.

"Education is a gift like no other gift. The energy and other resources directed towards eliminating poverty through education provides the highest degree of return by truly empowering the individual. Besides, it feels purposeful and right. It brings forth smiles and a higher standard of living to all involved, those giving as well as those receiving."
Shannon McMorrow

Shannon McMorrow has worked in community health education in the United States, Belize and East Africa for the past 12 years. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Enhancement and a Masters’ degree in Public Health in Community Health Education; she is currently working toward her Doctorate in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences with a focus on international health. Shannon served as a Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) volunteer in Uganda for 3 years and has extensive first-hand experience of the complex challenges in developing countries. She is committed to working on holistic approaches to promote education, gender equality and health. Shannon looks forward to sharing her passion, energy and skills with 4oneworld.


Liz Semaan
Liz Photo.jpg
Liz Semaan currently works for Bronson Methodist Hospital in the Education Department. She has a Bachelors degree in Interpersonal Communication and Sociology from Western Michigan University. She is currently working on her Master’s degree in Public Administration with a concentration in Nonprofit Leadership. Liz has been committed to volunteering with 4oneworld as the fundraiser coordinator since 2007.