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December 2009 Newsletter
Dear Global Citizen and Friend, Thank you for making 2009 a success! Please help 4 Oneworld spread the word and forward this email to everyone!
Scroll down to learn more details about exciting 4 Oneworld news.
  • 2009 Success
  • Kibooba citizens learn valuable agricultural skills
  • Thank you, Niles High School Key Club
  • Thank you, Funktion

2009 Success

Thanks to you, our loyal supporters, 4 Oneworld has had an incredible year! We raised $25,700 for the Kibooba Village Primary School! The greater Kalamazoo community provided $20K of the total, with the remainder coming from the global community of Yoga Aid. The current project goal is approximately $48,000. However, that is expected to
rise as we hope to add long-term, school income generating projects in 2010.

Thank you, 4 Oneworld donors and Yoga Aid for your support!



Valuable Skills gained from the Ugandan Rural Development Training (URDT)
 “The URDT training went well, meeting even more of our expectations“, commented Kibooba Primary School Director, Joel Gabula Ibanda. Joel and four other Kibooba residents attended the training and are excited to put their knowledge into practice. Most of the classes were followed by ‘hands on’ experience in the garden. The lessons, all based on organic farming principles, included the following:
Aggro forestry
Farm layout and planning
Cost benefit analysis
Best practices of sustainable agriculture
Bee keeping
Making of Bio gas
Micro irrigation
Making of compost and liquid manure
Making of pesticides using tree species
The 4 Oneworld Board of Directors is thrilled about Kibooba’s enthusiasm for the school garden project. The goal is for the garden to feed the 110 students and their teachers a daily lunch. Plans are underway to start the garden in January.








Niles High School Students are 4 Oneworld
The Niles High School Key Club recently donated $200 to 4 Oneworld. Students spent time raking leaves in November to benefit the Kibooba Village Primary School Project. English teacher, Ryan Bigelow organized the students and suggested 4 Oneworld receive the donated funds. Thank you, Key Club students & Mr. Bigelow!

Thank you, Funktion
Local Band, Funktion generously donated $140 in November to 4 Oneworld. Since August, 2009 they have contributed one dollar from each sale of their new CD, Funk Prelude. Their support has totaled $250 to go toward the Kibooba Village Primary School Project. Thank you, Funktion! Visit them online at www.myspace.com/funktionkalamazoo



"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead

Educate. Inspire. Empower.

w w w . 4 o n e w o r l d . o r g


December 2009 Newsletter
Dear Global Citizen and Friend, Thank you for making 2009 a success! Please help 4 Oneworld spread the word and forward this email to everyone!
Scroll down to learn more details about exciting 4 Oneworld news.
  • 2009 Success
  • Kibooba citizens learn valuable agricultural skills
  • Thank you, Niles High School Key Club
  • Thank you, Funktion

2009 Success

Thanks to you, our loyal supporters, 4 Oneworld has had an incredible year! We raised $25,700 for the Kibooba Village Primary School! The greater Kalamazoo community provided $20K of the total, with the remainder coming from the global community of Yoga Aid. The current project goal is approximately $48,000. However, that is expected to
rise as we hope to add long-term, school income generating projects in 2010.

Thank you, 4 Oneworld donors and Yoga Aid for your support!



Valuable Skills gained from the Ugandan Rural Development Training (URDT)
 “The URDT training went well, meeting even more of our expectations“, commented Kibooba Primary School Director, Joel Gabula Ibanda. Joel and four other Kibooba residents attended the training and are excited to put their knowledge into practice. Most of the classes were followed by ‘hands on’ experience in the garden. The lessons, all based on organic farming principles, included the following:
Aggro forestry
Farm layout and planning
Cost benefit analysis
Best practices of sustainable agriculture
Bee keeping
Making of Bio gas
Micro irrigation
Making of compost and liquid manure
Making of pesticides using tree species
The 4 Oneworld Board of Directors is thrilled about Kibooba’s enthusiasm for the school garden project. The goal is for the garden to feed the 110 students and their teachers a daily lunch. Plans are underway to start the garden in January.








Niles High School Students are 4 Oneworld
The Niles High School Key Club recently donated $200 to 4 Oneworld. Students spent time raking leaves in November to benefit the Kibooba Village Primary School Project. English teacher, Ryan Bigelow organized the students and suggested 4 Oneworld receive the donated funds. Thank you, Key Club students & Mr. Bigelow!

Thank you, Funktion
Local Band, Funktion generously donated $140 in November to 4 Oneworld. Since August, 2009 they have contributed one dollar from each sale of their new CD, Funk Prelude. Their support has totaled $250 to go toward the Kibooba Village Primary School Project. Thank you, Funktion! Visit them online at www.myspace.com/funktionkalamazoo



"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead

Educate. Inspire. Empower.

w w w . 4 o n e w o r l d . o r g


December 2009 Newsletter
Dear Global Citizen and Friend, Thank you for making 2009 a success! Please help 4 Oneworld spread the word and forward this email to everyone!
Scroll down to learn more details about exciting 4 Oneworld news.
  • 2009 Success
  • Kibooba citizens learn valuable agricultural skills
  • Thank you, Niles High School Key Club
  • Thank you, Funktion

2009 Success

Thanks to you, our loyal supporters, 4 Oneworld has had an incredible year! We raised $25,700 for the Kibooba Village Primary School! The greater Kalamazoo community provided $20K of the total, with the remainder coming from the global community of Yoga Aid. The current project goal is approximately $48,000. However, that is expected to
rise as we hope to add long-term, school income generating projects in 2010.

Thank you, 4 Oneworld donors and Yoga Aid for your support!



Valuable Skills gained from the Ugandan Rural Development Training (URDT)
 “The URDT training went well, meeting even more of our expectations“, commented Kibooba Primary School Director, Joel Gabula Ibanda. Joel and four other Kibooba residents attended the training and are excited to put their knowledge into practice. Most of the classes were followed by ‘hands on’ experience in the garden. The lessons, all based on organic farming principles, included the following:
Aggro forestry
Farm layout and planning
Cost benefit analysis
Best practices of sustainable agriculture
Bee keeping
Making of Bio gas
Micro irrigation
Making of compost and liquid manure
Making of pesticides using tree species
The 4 Oneworld Board of Directors is thrilled about Kibooba’s enthusiasm for the school garden project. The goal is for the garden to feed the 110 students and their teachers a daily lunch. Plans are underway to start the garden in January.








Niles High School Students are 4 Oneworld
The Niles High School Key Club recently donated $200 to 4 Oneworld. Students spent time raking leaves in November to benefit the Kibooba Village Primary School Project. English teacher, Ryan Bigelow organized the students and suggested 4 Oneworld receive the donated funds. Thank you, Key Club students & Mr. Bigelow!

Thank you, Funktion
Local Band, Funktion generously donated $140 in November to 4 Oneworld. Since August, 2009 they have contributed one dollar from each sale of their new CD, Funk Prelude. Their support has totaled $250 to go toward the Kibooba Village Primary School Project. Thank you, Funktion! Visit them online at www.myspace.com/funktionkalamazoo



"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead

Educate. Inspire. Empower.

w w w . 4 o n e w o r l d . o r g