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September 2006: 25 computers have been picked up from U-Connect. Computer teacher, Denis Mwai is taking inventory and preparing to network the computers. Two of the older computers stopped working, but the total computers in the lab is now 42! Class sizes range from 70-90 students. With more computers there are two students per computer

July 2006: 4 Oneworld placed the order with U-Connect for 25 refurbished Pentium III workstations, a Compaq server, an HP laser printer, and a Sony DVD-RW. The computers will be delivered to St. Kizito in August.

June 2006: 4 Oneworld learned that the student computer ratio does not facilitate learning. There are approximately 70-90 students per class. The computer total was 19, but 2 computers "stopped working" and now there are only 17.

4 Oneworld contacted U-Connect, a U.S. non-profit that is based in Uganda and supplies refurbished computers to schools. Visit www.uconnect.org to learn more.

Mimi Nevala, Andrew Bruex and John Cassidy join the 4Oneworld Board of Directors.

Click here to learn more about them.

May 2006: 4 Oneworld begins funding the salary of the computer instructor, Denis Mwai the St. Kizito School. He teaches computer theory and some practicum for the upper level students (Senior I and II).

April 2006: Raised $20,000 at the first fundraiser. It was an exciting event for 4 Oneworld to share our cause with the community of Kalamazoo. A special guest, the headmistress of the St. Kizito School, Elizabeth Odyek spoke to the crowd at the Bells Eccentric Cafe. The evening also included a silent auction with local artwork.

January 2006: We are proud to announce our goals for St. Kizito secondary school. A trained information technology instructor to teach the staff and students computer literacy, internet access and equipment are the main focus for 4 oneworld.

Click here to learn more about our 2006 goals.

4 oneworld has also made a commitment to the HIV+ students at St. Kizito. We have started the Diana Asiimwe Nutritional Fund to provide meal subsidies to children in need of better nutrition.

Click here to learn more about the Diana Asiimwe Nutritional Fund

Special thanks to Moira & Garrard Macleod for their contribution to make this fund possible.

December 2005: 4 oneworld received federal 501 c3 status! This means we are officially a non-profit organization. This is a massive step towards the success of our organization. What a great way to start 2006!

November 2005: We have returned from a site investigation at the St. Kizito Secondary School in Uganda. The experience was enriching and beneficial for 4Oneworld. We now have a better understanding of the Information Technology situation at St. Kizito and we have established clear goals on what needs to be achieved.

Many special students, staff and administrators at St. Kizito inspired us. It is evident the headmistress, Elizabeth Odyek and her staff are committed to making St. Kizito a successful place of learning and healing. Elizabeth is an advocate for the student's and her charisma is contagious. The many talented, intelligent and courageous students deserve to be computer literate. 4Oneworld is dedicating 2006 to this cause.

A formal initiative for St. Kizito will be announced in early December.

September 2005: Another $1000 donations provided St. Kizito with 5 refurbished computers, 1 printer and desks with chairs. The headmistress now has internet access for her computer, making communication much easier.

For the initial purchase we decided to buy refurbished computers in order for more students to start learning immediately.

July 2005: St. Kizito purchased 6 refurbished Intel Pentium 4, 3 Ghz computers, desk and chairs with 4 Oneworld's first donation of $1000 USD! Look what a difference you can make.

4 Oneworld and St. Kizito are thankful to all the individuals who made this possible. Thank you.


September 2006: 25 computers have been picked up from U-Connect. Computer teacher, Denis Mwai is taking inventory and preparing to network the computers. Two of the older computers stopped working, but the total computers in the lab is now 42! Class sizes range from 70-90 students. With more computers there are two students per computer

July 2006: 4 Oneworld placed the order with U-Connect for 25 refurbished Pentium III workstations, a Compaq server, an HP laser printer, and a Sony DVD-RW. The computers will be delivered to St. Kizito in August.

June 2006: 4 Oneworld learned that the student computer ratio does not facilitate learning. There are approximately 70-90 students per class. The computer total was 19, but 2 computers "stopped working" and now there are only 17.

4 Oneworld contacted U-Connect, a U.S. non-profit that is based in Uganda and supplies refurbished computers to schools. Visit www.uconnect.org to learn more.

Mimi Nevala, Andrew Bruex and John Cassidy join the 4Oneworld Board of Directors.

Click here to learn more about them.

May 2006: 4 Oneworld begins funding the salary of the computer instructor, Denis Mwai the St. Kizito School. He teaches computer theory and some practicum for the upper level students (Senior I and II).

April 2006: Raised $20,000 at the first fundraiser. It was an exciting event for 4 Oneworld to share our cause with the community of Kalamazoo. A special guest, the headmistress of the St. Kizito School, Elizabeth Odyek spoke to the crowd at the Bells Eccentric Cafe. The evening also included a silent auction with local artwork.

January 2006: We are proud to announce our goals for St. Kizito secondary school. A trained information technology instructor to teach the staff and students computer literacy, internet access and equipment are the main focus for 4 oneworld.

Click here to learn more about our 2006 goals.

4 oneworld has also made a commitment to the HIV+ students at St. Kizito. We have started the Diana Asiimwe Nutritional Fund to provide meal subsidies to children in need of better nutrition.

Click here to learn more about the Diana Asiimwe Nutritional Fund

Special thanks to Moira & Garrard Macleod for their contribution to make this fund possible.

December 2005: 4 oneworld received federal 501 c3 status! This means we are officially a non-profit organization. This is a massive step towards the success of our organization. What a great way to start 2006!

November 2005: We have returned from a site investigation at the St. Kizito Secondary School in Uganda. The experience was enriching and beneficial for 4Oneworld. We now have a better understanding of the Information Technology situation at St. Kizito and we have established clear goals on what needs to be achieved.

Many special students, staff and administrators at St. Kizito inspired us. It is evident the headmistress, Elizabeth Odyek and her staff are committed to making St. Kizito a successful place of learning and healing. Elizabeth is an advocate for the student's and her charisma is contagious. The many talented, intelligent and courageous students deserve to be computer literate. 4Oneworld is dedicating 2006 to this cause.

A formal initiative for St. Kizito will be announced in early December.

September 2005: Another $1000 donations provided St. Kizito with 5 refurbished computers, 1 printer and desks with chairs. The headmistress now has internet access for her computer, making communication much easier.

For the initial purchase we decided to buy refurbished computers in order for more students to start learning immediately.

July 2005: St. Kizito purchased 6 refurbished Intel Pentium 4, 3 Ghz computers, desk and chairs with 4 Oneworld's first donation of $1000 USD! Look what a difference you can make.

4 Oneworld and St. Kizito are thankful to all the individuals who made this possible. Thank you.


September 2006: 25 computers have been picked up from U-Connect. Computer teacher, Denis Mwai is taking inventory and preparing to network the computers. Two of the older computers stopped working, but the total computers in the lab is now 42! Class sizes range from 70-90 students. With more computers there are two students per computer

July 2006: 4 Oneworld placed the order with U-Connect for 25 refurbished Pentium III workstations, a Compaq server, an HP laser printer, and a Sony DVD-RW. The computers will be delivered to St. Kizito in August.

June 2006: 4 Oneworld learned that the student computer ratio does not facilitate learning. There are approximately 70-90 students per class. The computer total was 19, but 2 computers "stopped working" and now there are only 17.

4 Oneworld contacted U-Connect, a U.S. non-profit that is based in Uganda and supplies refurbished computers to schools. Visit www.uconnect.org to learn more.

Mimi Nevala, Andrew Bruex and John Cassidy join the 4Oneworld Board of Directors.

Click here to learn more about them.

May 2006: 4 Oneworld begins funding the salary of the computer instructor, Denis Mwai the St. Kizito School. He teaches computer theory and some practicum for the upper level students (Senior I and II).

April 2006: Raised $20,000 at the first fundraiser. It was an exciting event for 4 Oneworld to share our cause with the community of Kalamazoo. A special guest, the headmistress of the St. Kizito School, Elizabeth Odyek spoke to the crowd at the Bells Eccentric Cafe. The evening also included a silent auction with local artwork.

January 2006: We are proud to announce our goals for St. Kizito secondary school. A trained information technology instructor to teach the staff and students computer literacy, internet access and equipment are the main focus for 4 oneworld.

Click here to learn more about our 2006 goals.

4 oneworld has also made a commitment to the HIV+ students at St. Kizito. We have started the Diana Asiimwe Nutritional Fund to provide meal subsidies to children in need of better nutrition.

Click here to learn more about the Diana Asiimwe Nutritional Fund

Special thanks to Moira & Garrard Macleod for their contribution to make this fund possible.

December 2005: 4 oneworld received federal 501 c3 status! This means we are officially a non-profit organization. This is a massive step towards the success of our organization. What a great way to start 2006!

November 2005: We have returned from a site investigation at the St. Kizito Secondary School in Uganda. The experience was enriching and beneficial for 4Oneworld. We now have a better understanding of the Information Technology situation at St. Kizito and we have established clear goals on what needs to be achieved.

Many special students, staff and administrators at St. Kizito inspired us. It is evident the headmistress, Elizabeth Odyek and her staff are committed to making St. Kizito a successful place of learning and healing. Elizabeth is an advocate for the student's and her charisma is contagious. The many talented, intelligent and courageous students deserve to be computer literate. 4Oneworld is dedicating 2006 to this cause.

A formal initiative for St. Kizito will be announced in early December.

September 2005: Another $1000 donations provided St. Kizito with 5 refurbished computers, 1 printer and desks with chairs. The headmistress now has internet access for her computer, making communication much easier.

For the initial purchase we decided to buy refurbished computers in order for more students to start learning immediately.

July 2005: St. Kizito purchased 6 refurbished Intel Pentium 4, 3 Ghz computers, desk and chairs with 4 Oneworld's first donation of $1000 USD! Look what a difference you can make.

4 Oneworld and St. Kizito are thankful to all the individuals who made this possible. Thank you.
